Arc of Hell - Rewritten Edition - Chapter 19 - Horned One (VoidDevil) (2024)

Chapter Text

Sapphire Arc never found life to be easy in the first place but after the incident with her brother and father? Things got from bad to worse in just a split moment. She saw how her father was about to seal Jaune's aura, paralyzed by shock. Then she felt her heart skip a beat when her brother started to glow and kicked their father over his chair.

To say that stunned her would be an understatement. Her brother was doing that, and what followed had her scared. Scared of Jaune. Never in her life had she seen such anger in his eyes, the betrayal … Everything because of that man.

When he took Crocea Mors, ready to strike down their flesh and blood, she thought he might just go through with it. The way Crocea Mors glowed as well … When she told Coral, the older sister theorized Jaune might have used his semblance at the time.

It was not unheard of that people got their semblance and aura on the same day; it was just very rare. Then everything just … happened. She remembers screaming from the top of her lungs at him, at her own father, then she watched as … She couldn't even recall the event without feeling her heart tighten.

Guilt. She could've stopped that if she acted, but she was too afraid and shocked. She froze, and now her only brother was gone. None of them heard a word from Jaune in months, and she, along with Alice and Coral, had to keep the house together. It was depressing. Normally, Saphron would have visited and stayed with her wife and son around this time of the year, but with what happened - Coral having called her to explain everything, she doubted she was going to come over.

Less she risked little Adrian having his aura sealed.

Their mother turned into a robot, more or less, and their father, eaten away by his guilt as he should be, turned into a mess. Everything was a mess! But she had to be strong for the younger ones. Jade, Lapis, and Silva needed their older sisters now more than ever.

But truth be told? None of them were Jaune. An older brother is different from a sister. They all missed him so much.

She was currently in the kitchen, preparing dinner alongside Alice. Coral was watching over the younger ones while their mother was looking at that picture again.

"The house never went so long without him … It's quiet." Alice's face scrunched up at not finding the right word. "I mean, Saphron is not here either, and there were times she couldn't make it, but she usually called at least. But without Jaune? We haven't heard from him in so long … It makes everything around hollow."

Sapphire hesitated for a second to reply; the fire from the fireplace and the children playing were the only sounds. "I guess-"

It was then that the phone started ringing.

"I'll get it," Alice said, going to the phone and picking it up. "Hello?"

"Alice? Is that you, girly?"Mister Colt asked from the other end of the line.

"Mister Colt? Yeah, it's me. What do we owe the call?" Alice asked, but she could never expect what she was about to hear.

"It's Jaune."His words made her freeze. "I met him earlier today. Talked with him! He asked of me to let you know he is all good and not to worry about him and-"

"Mister Colt, are you feeling well?" Alice asked, shaking her head. "Have you been taking your meds?"

"Don't act as if I am going senile, missy! My mind is still as sharp as it was in my youth!"Colt replied, raising his voice slightly. "Your brother, the one who left the house you all live in, is here, where I moved to."

"You mean that Jaune is on Patch Island?" Alice asked in shock, but her voice didn't go unheard by a certain someone in the living room, who, upon hearing the name, rushed to listen in at once. More of the Arc Sisters did, all of them gathering around.

"Yes. But know that he had asked me to make this call for a reason. He is not ready to return or face you all again, not yet. Please. Despite knowing where he is, do not do something reckless and make things worse."Mister Colt pleaded; however, one of the audience around the phone had a different opinion.

"Thank you, then, Mister Colt. Knowing he is fine … At least it makes things easier on us." Alice hung up the phone, letting out a long sigh as she placed a hand on her forehead, feeling dizzy. "Now we know where he … "

"We must go to him."

All eyes turned to their mother, hearing the most words she had managed to say without a nervous stutter in a while.

Juliet Arc straightened her back. Her eyes held a focus they hadn't in a long time. "We need to go to Patch. Girls, pack your bags and-"

"Mom!" Coral stepped forth, grabbing her mother. "Calm yourself! We know where he is, but that doesn't mean he wants to see us!"

Alice nodded her head. "Coral's right. From what Mister Colt told me, Jaune is still reeling back from everything himself. He said he is not ready to face us yet, and that-"

"I don't care what he had to say!" Juliet shouted. "My baby boy is out there, and even if he said he is alright, I need to see him and make sure of that myself!"

"He could have been lying," Sapphire added. "Mister Colt could have been playing a cruel prank on us."

"Mister Colt never lied to us before, Saph!" Coral replied before feeling like she needed to point out the obvious. "If what he is saying is true, and he is out there, on Patch Island, then he is safe. Patch is packed full of Huntsmen, both active and retired, and the Grimm activity is low. Heck, it's even safer than Ansel!"

"That doesn't matter!" Juliet shouted again. "Girls, I don't expect you to understand yet, but there is nothing that can keep away a mother from her child. If you wish to stay behind, then fine, but I. Am. Going. I will travel to Mistral and see about getting a Bullhead heading straight for Vale."

"B-but Mom! The journey is long, and there are Grimm everywhere!" Coral argued, but the stern look of her mother had her go quiet. "Fine … Let me come with, at least. A Huntress will be of great use during travels."

"Thank you, Coral," Juliet nodded in appreciation.

"We go, too!" Silva shouted, the youngest of the sisters chirping up. "Wanta see Jauny again!"

"If we all leave, Dad might get the wrong idea … " Alice said slowly, looking over at Sapphire, who nodded back at her.

Sapphire sighed. "We will stay behind; make sure Dad is taken care of. You lot go and make sure to tell Jaune a few from us as well."

"Will do," Coral replied.

"Well then, everyone, pack your bags! If your father asks where we went, tell him we went to visit my sister!" Juliet stated as she hurriedly went up the stairs to prepare her luggage.

"Wait, didn't you say you were never going to her with any of us again after you found out she authors that smut-filled book series?" Coral asked as her mother rushed upstairs.


This wasn't good, and Jaune knew it. While he and Lucifer were having a good time - something he had to go back to and think about - Mr. Colt, who likely came to visit given how he told him where he lived - another thing he had to go back and think about later - had decided to barge in unannounced. Found him in the pool with a dozen bikini-clad women, one of them naked and one in his lap and making out with him.

He asked before if he was sleeping with Beel to pay rent, but now he might be asking more than just that. He couldn't tell him the truth. He just couldn't. But with his semblance, it'll be hard to lie.

Mr. Colt was currently on the couch, having been unconscious for about 10 minutes now, giving the girls and Jaune enough time to get out of the pool and get dressed. The girls were now hiding their demonic horns and tails, with Cerberus simply keeping her dog ears since she could pass as a Faunus. Her ears were flat to her head, and she felt ashamed for not noticing someone was coming to the house. Jaune was going to need to talk to her later, but right now, he was next to Mr. Colt in the living room, along with all the other girls.

"This is not good … " He muttered aloud, then he looked at Mr. Colt's unconscious form. This man had been his babysitter, for crying out loud! And now he nearly saw Jaune become a man before his own eyes. The blonde couldn't help but imagine how it was seeing the boy you knew since young ascending the stairs like that.

"I suggest we kill him," Judgement got her new weapon ready. "Dead men tell no tales."

"No!" Jaune said quickly, half-shouting. "No killing him! He is a friend!"

"Then maybe we can alter his memories?" Beel suggested. "He won't remember ever seeing us in our real forms."

"Beel, I am afraid that wouldn't work either," Lucifer said, standing on the side. "We never tried that on a person with an aura before, so magic might be an unstable solution."

"Then what do we do with him then? I could take him and offer him a good time in exchange for his silence," Modeus suggested. Even when out of the pool, she only decided to wear a virgin-killer sweater. Fitting.

"No! No! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Jaune said again, waving his hands around to dismiss everything. "You, you shouldn't, shouldn't need to … he is Married! … Just … Let me talk with him. I might be able to come up with an explanation."

"But didn't you once say he can force the truth out of people?" Justice pointed out, making Jaune recall that troublesome semblance. "Got any solutions if he asks something and forces you to say stuff that shouldn't be said?"

"I- Actually, he needs to make eye contact for it to work," He said, recalling the semblance's condition. "So, in theory, if he cannot make eye contact … "

"We pull out his eyes?" Malina guessed.

"NO! We blindfold him and make up a story!" He quickly said, then watched as the girls agreed one by one to the idea, albeit with disappointment. "Good, glad we all agree. Someone get me something to blindfold him before he wakes up."

It turns out the old man liked his sleep as he had been out of commission for an hour after that talk; Jaune managed to put the blindfold on him without trouble, and the girls went back to their rooms, except for Beel, Lucifer, and Azazel - who decided to stick around to make sure Mr. Colt was not in any mortal danger.

Oh, Azazel, always kind and curious.

The older man stirred in his sleep, eventually getting up and running a hand over his face. "What the-"

"Please do not remove it, Mr. Colt. You … You fell pretty badly and struck your head on something?" Jaune tried to lie, but his attempt was as poor as they got. Lucifer sighed in exasperation at his weak attempt while Mr. Colt frowned.

"Jaune, my boy, what is going on with this nonsense?" Mr. Colt replied, grabbing the blindfold around his eyes, then pulled it off. Well, there goes his plan; it's time to improvise! "First, I walked a long distance to find this place, seeing a bloody mansion, the one you told me you live in, and rang the bell. No one was responding, so I invited myself in and-"

"Which was a bit rude of you, Sir," Beel said, interjecting in the conversation. Mr. Colt turned around, coming face to face with the demoness who was in her human disguise. "Coming unaccounted is not nice, even if you are a friend of Jaune here."

"I apologize for that, Miss … Beel? I think I heard your name around before." He said.

"It is Beel." The mistress of the flies replied, and then she pointed at the others. "Those two lovely ladies here are Aza and Lucy, who also live here."

"A pleasure to make acquaintance, Mister," Azazel replied cheerfully.

"Hello," Lucifer gave only a brief reply, but Jaune had a feeling about it. Her voice leaked spite at the man in front of them, most likely because he interrupted the pool party.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, young ladies," Mr. Colt replied, then he turned to Jaune once more. "Now, my boy, care to explain yourself?"

Jaune nervously scratched his neck like always. "Explain … what?"

"Well, why am I on the couch, and what is with all of this place? I had one hell of a dream as well, seeing you with at least a dozen gals in a pool, sucking face with one!" His words made Lucifer blush furiously, looking away to hide her face. Colt didn't notice, thankfully. "And if my short-term memory serves … One was even butt naked!"

Now, it was Jaune's turn to blush.

"M-MR. COLT!" He shouted. "A-are you sure that was a normal dream? From what you are saying, it sounds like you had a wet dream!"

"Ha! I'd wish it was me in there, in the pool, boy, but no, you were!" He said, slowly getting himself up and grabbing his cane to help him walk. "But it was merely just a dream. I didn't get a good look at the faces of anyone, but I know for certain the dream showed everyone with horns and tails, like some type of freaky Faunus. But I see none of that around, so it was likely just a dream!"

"Yeah, a dream … " Jaune said, and then he inhaled deeply. "Anyway, I must be honest with you; I WAS in the pool with the others when you found me-"

"Dear God, a new generation of Arcs is on the way!"

"No!" Jaune shouted quickly at the accusation, the girls and the old man laughing at his expense. "f*ck you … "

Mr. Colt stopped laughing. "Now, I'll be. It seems you are really growing up, boy! I never heard you swear in your life, even a little. You were always polite and proper."

"Well, let's say another tenant has been rubbing off on him," Beel said.

"Really? Who-"


Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Malina was shouting again. Shortly followed by the sound of a commotion upstairs, grabbing everyone's attention. Mr. Colt simply laughed, hearing the female voice from above.

"Judging from the voice, that was another gal." He said. "I assume only gals live here?"

"Except for Jaune!" Azazel said. "But you needn't worry about him being rude to us or anything! He never dares do anything to us that might seem … perverted."

"He better be, else I'll smack his head so hard his eyes would pop out!" The old man replied, tapping his cane on the ground. "You hear me, Jaune? I better hear that you have been nothing but a gentleman to those young ladies!"

"Yes, sir!" Jaune replied.

"Oh, please, if anything, he has to watch out for Mo," Lucifer said, grabbing Colt's attention.

"Who is Mo?"


On cue, the voice of the Lustful Demon came from the stairs, prompting everyone to look her way … And widen their eyes at how she was dressed again. Jaune immediately noted how she changed again, attempting to seduce him most likely, wearing only her black-laced panties and a loose bathrobe, her hair still wet for some reason. Did she just shower? Maybe. Or she might've just gone under the shower to set up the tease.

Either way, she chose one hell of a moment. The way she leaned on the railing of the stairs gave a bountiful view of her cleavage, and if one looked lower, they could also see her nipples. Her eyes were still heart-shaped, but that was not the issue. The issue was how Mr. Colt couldn't take his eyes off her and was open-jawed. "Are you done? I want to cuddle in bed~"

"N-not now, Mo!" The boy shouted, a furious blush on his face seeing her there, barely dressed. Then he turned to Mr. Colt, who had to sit down, a hand over his heart and averted gaze from the sexy demon.

"Damn … Jaune … Only a youth like you could do this; I am too old for this stuff," Mr. Colt replied.

"Mo, in the name of all that is good in this world, go get dressed!" Lucifer shouted, walking over to the lustful demon and forcing her upstairs. Modeus' words of protest went on deaf ears, luckily for everyone present, as she was taken by Lucifer upstairs. Was her thirst that great?


"One lucky son of a bitch is what you are, Jaune," Mr. Colt cut him off, his words surprising Jaune. "What? This old crook still has some swearing in him left! Still … My boy, you are a lucky guy. Make sure to give her a good squeeze tonight from me as well, ok?"

"Mr. Colt!" Jaune turned to him, the older man laughing himself until he started to cough.

"Oh, the times of youth, how I miss them. Believe it or not, Jaune, I once took on a whole 14 women at once! The peak of my youth and my greatest nightly achievement!" The old man boasted, having a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. "Don't tell the Miss that. She was there for it, but I wouldn't trade her for anything and don't want her thinking otherwise. But still, those were the days! When I was still a young huntsman killing off Grimm and fighting bandits, receiving praise everywhere!"

"Hmm." Beel hummed. "Pray tell, , how is your aura?"

"Eh? Meh! Never really worked on it much, to be honest with you. I was mediocre at best, which was not a big help since my semblance only works on people. Sure, it came in handy when fighting Grimm, but I was more than nimble enough not to get hit by the little tarts!" He replied, and Beel was somewhat disappointed.

Jaune knew what that was about: Finding a teacher to train him to use his aura better next. Mr. Colt was an option that came to his mind as well, but now it seems the said option was no longer viable. Beel didn't let her emotions show too much, though.

"I see. Anyway, going back to another subject of ours, I cannot overlook the fact you came here unannounced and dropped on our little party, but since you are an old friend of dear Jaune here, I am willing to forgive you." She finished. "With that being said, please call Jaune next time you plan on visiting."

"Will do, Miss Beel," Mr. Colt replied. "Anyway, since I doubt I am welcome here right now, I will take my leave. I do promise to come to visit once in a while - calling in advance."

"All we ask." Beel finished.

"Either way, is there a specific reason why you decided to visit?" Jaune asked, and honestly? He wished he didn't.

"Y-yeah." Mister Colt stuttered a bit. "Your mother and some of your sisters are coming over … Here, to Patch."

"WHAT?!" Jaune shouted. "HOW?! WHY?!"

"Jaune, I told them I met you, remember? Plus, it isn't hard to figure out that if I met you, then you were on Patch, seeing how everyone in Ansel knew where I was moving. I gave them that call the same day we met and talked, and earlier today, they called me again, saying they were going to arrive on Patch next week!"

"Oh no … Please tell me he isn't-"

"Your father is not with them. Alice and Sapphire stayed behind to cover for the others. Lapis, Silva, Jade, Coral, and your mother are on their way, however. Forgive me, Jaune. I feel like I have a fault in this."

"No, Mister Colt, it's- … Well, it's not ideal, but it isn't the end of the world either. I was going to have to face them sooner rather than later, and this? This at least feels somewhat planned. So, I have one week to get my affairs in order?"

"Seems so. They are taking one of the safer but still swift routes between Anima and Sanus." Mister Colt replied again.

"I see … Well, I guess we should get prepared. Thank you for the warning." Jaune shook his hand.

"No worries, Jaune. Just be sure to welcome them warmly. And I hope you have extra rooms in this house." The old man stated, making Jaune's eyes twitch yet again. His sisters … The youngest, staying who knows how many nights in a building full of demonic beings?

Oh boy … This was going to be challenging.

"ALRIGHT!" Jaune shouted as he snapped a long, hard stick to a blackboard, presenting a battle plan … of a kind. It was the next day after the entire fiasco with Mister Colt, and now they were going to have to get ready for quite the amount of guests. "As you all know, we are going to receive special guests in a week or so: My mother and four of my sisters!"

Beel perked up at once. "I have already used some magic to ready two rooms for them! Given what you told us, your mother and older sister can share one, and the younger ones can all share the other."

"Good! That is living space secured! Next!"

"I called Ignium and had him send us those." Lucifer showed them several bracelets, silver with red rubies in them. "Those should keep our human disguises up for prolonged periods of time. This way, we won't run the risk of being found out as demons."

"Great! Next!"

"I will make sure the troublemakers behave." Judgement stated, her eyes darting to Modeus, Cerberus, and the sisters. "That being said, given how we will have young children in the house for a day or two, extra rules will also be enforced."

"Marvelous! Lastly, my mother can get pretty insane. Her maternal instinct is dialed to 11, so during this time, Modeus, sorry to say, but I won't be able to provide any sexy time! Not even a blowj*b!"

"Awwwww," Modeus whined loudly.

"Also, Pandemonica, the same goes for you as well!"

"I am not getting down to suck your-"

"Not that!" He shouted at her, a fact which surprised the room a bit. Especially Pandemonica, few dared to raise their voice at her. "You will refrain from harming anyone, especially me, during the time they are here! That means that even if I mess up your coffee, you need to settle for breaking pencils, understood!"

"Yes, Sir." Monica grits her teeth and replies with a strange undertone to her forced words.

"Awesome! Azazel and Baphomet will take care of storing away all Christmas decorations along with me, given how they are not familiar with the celebration." He continued, the girls in question nodding their heads. "Everyone knows their assignments? Yes? Then move out, out, OUT!"

He shouted, commanding them like a military.

However, as he shouted, he got a bit too much into the feels of the role. "Get out there!"

And accidentally struck Zdrada over the ass with the stick in his hands. The girl shivered and inhaled air sharply as she stared back, a blush on her face.

"Do that again, and this time, strike me with an aura-charged stick."

"MOVE!" He shouted, making Zdrada rush out once more. Then he groaned. "f*ck … I forgot she likes that stuff."

The time of reckoning had come. Jaune had also decided to speak with Ruby and Yang a bit as well, mostly asking about how people usually reach Patch. To his luck, there were no airports, so unless his family owned a private Bullhead, they could only get there via the ferry, which had a certain schedule.

He could expect his family to reach Patch either at 8 in the morning, 10 in the morning, noon, 4 in the evening, 6 in the evening, and lastly, 8 and 10 in the evening. They should arrive at any of those hours.

Being prepared and planning for any of them was good.

Oh, who was he kidding? This is why he was currently down in Hell, within the palace, with the boys!

"This is a mess, Ignium, I am telling you!"

"Jaune, my boy, aren't you overreacting a bit? Sure, your family might get a collective heart attack from learning of us demonic beings, but that is the beauty of oblivion! They don't know we are meant to be the bad guys, so worst comes to pass, you can lie through your teeth that we are good beings, charged to carry on the unholy task of serving justice to the sinful souls of humanity and faunity."

Jaune looked at the demon strangely. "Did you just say faunity?"

"Who is there to shoot me for making up terms, Jaune? No one! This is Hell, and I can say whatever slur I want!" Ignium added boldly from his throne, Jaune currently sitting at one of the side tables with Shade across from him, the hellhound werewolf indulging himself in some strong booze.

Shade put his mug down. "I say you put down your foot and tell them straight! It's your life! Your pack! Your bitches to breed - except Cerberus, if you call her a bitch I will bend you - and no one can command your pack other than you!"

"I don't think that applies, Shade." Behemoth, who was standing, leaning on a pillar, said. "Humans have their rituals and culture. For one, he cannot just f*ck his sisters."

"Shade?" Jaune looked at him with a mortified look.

"What? Why are you- Oh! Now I realize it! Behemoth, you bald f*cking dickhe*d, you know I don't do that sh*t!" Shade shouted back, making Jaune relieved to know Hell had SOME standards. "I only go for second cousins. Unavoidable in a pack."

"Why did I come to your lot?" Jaune asked in desperation. "Look, I need advice on how to survive, alright?"

"They are going to stay over New Year's Eve, correct?" Ignium asked.

"We call it Twilight Night. The night between years. We might not know what Christmas is, but we at least celebrate for the New Year." He sighed. "Thing is … How do I protect my sisters from the girls? You guys must be aware that Modeus alone is not exactly the best to have near minors."

"You're telling US? We know her father, Asmodeus! Do you think she is bad? That demon will see your pants off and balls drained before you have the chance to blink!" Shade replied, downing more alcohol. "By comparison, his daughter is more manageable."

"Not the point," Behemoth said. "Jaune here is clearly worried about what might happen if they decide to stay for more than one night."

"Hmm. True, that is a reason to worry … " Ignium stated. "Knowing how Modeus acts, she might behave for a day, but two? No way."

"So, what's the plan, guys?" Jaune asked, but he received only shrugs.

"You are on your own, Jaune. Unless you want me to come to your mother in the dead of night and-"

"f*ck NO!" Jaune shouted at Ignium.

"What? I was gonna say brainwash her to leave early!"

Leaving Hell that day, Jaune returned to his home, trying to think of things more. His mother and some of his sisters were coming over, and if he ignored most of what the guys said, things would be alright. Maybe. It was not 100% foolproof; his mother might burst through his door at any moment!

He had researched the routes from Anima to Sanus, and based on what Mister Colt told him, they were taking the fastest and safest route there was. Said route has a 96% chance of success, and it is highly used by all manner of individuals, not to mention guarded by hired Huntsmen.

He truly needs to think about what to do next and-

A knock was heard on his door.

"Jaune? I am coming in." Lucifer walked into the room, wearing her usual attire. "How are you holding up? I sensed the opening of a demonic portal to Hell not long ago. Did you go to Ignium?"

"Yeah," Jaune admitted. "It's just … This entire situation is taking me by storm. I thought I'd have more time to prepare for when I see them again, but obviously, it seems fate has other plans in store for me."

"Fate. What has it done for anyone." Lucifer scoffed as she strolled closer to him, eventually walking past him and taking a seat on the edge of his bed. "You know, I prefer to make things happen myself. I don't like the idea of things being decided for me."

Jaune chuckled. "That is honestly expected from you, Lucifer."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked with an edge.

"Well, ever since we got here, I cannot recall even one time you showed weakness. It's like you are always in control of yourself and of the things around you. Nothing shakes you."

"Oh, you … " Lucifer looked around awkwardly for a bit, then, slowly, she continued. "Jaune, do you remember what happened at the pool?"

"At the pool?- Oh! Oh, right, yeah, I do … The mistletoe." He scratched the back of his head.

"The biggest thing that had me on edge was you seeing my scar," Lucifer said, then began to strip her top and turned her back to him. There, on her skin, he could see the scar clearly as day. Not all of it, but most of it was exposed to him. It wasn't a pretty thing, but it wasn't as wide as he thought it would be. Her hair covered the start of it at her head. But from underneath came black skin that moved down her spine in a jagged line. It disappeared beneath her pants. "Ignium gave it to me … During the war in heaven."

"I know. He- … He told me." Jaune replied, and Lucifer turned back to him, not dressing herself again. She left herself in a bra before him. She wasn't as big as Mo or Baph, but it was impossible to call her small. However, he couldn't find it in himself to enjoy the view, not in the somber atmosphere. His focus was drawn up to Lucifer's eyes.

"That moment, Jaune, was a moment I was not in control. Afterward? While my back healed? I was weak. The scar is a reminder that, in spite of all my power, I am not invincible. Not to Him … Not to Ignium … Not to you."

Jaune found himself confused at the last point. "But, I am pretty sure you could just-"

"Not battlewise." She got up from his bed and went to him.

"Lucifer?" He took a step back, but it was too late. She grabbed his collar and easily pulled him down, kissing him deeply. Once she broke the kiss, she kept talking.

"You do not see us as monsters, Jaune. Months under the same roof showed me that." She smiled lightly. "I am not yet ready to grant you the biggest privilege of them all. Neither are you. But, at the pool, you took a great step toward that goal."


"Lucy." She stopped him. "From now on, I want you to call me Lucy, and only Lucy, alright? I … Like it when you call me that."

Jaune smiled softly at her. He had called her that when humans were around but not when alone with her. "Alright … Lucy."

"Good boy. Now, I think I should leave you, considering you might be worried about the days to come."

"Actually … We could share the bed?"

"Jaune, I told you already that neither I nor you are ready for-"

"Not like that!" Jaune clarified with a blush. "Just sleeping together. As in, sleep-sleep. No sexy times."

"Oh. I guess … That works. Let me go get my nightgown, and I'll be right back." She headed to the door. "Oh, but Jaune? You wanted this."


She had already left, yet when she returned, Jaune learned quickly what she meant. Her nightgown was a large, semi-transparent dress of some kind, a dark violet color. The top part, which held her chest, was where the piece of clothing was being held, yet further down, her panties were clearly on display.

"Ready?" She asked, already getting under the sheets.

"One minute." He said, getting himself to his sleepwear. However, this … It was going to be an interesting night.

And an interesting night it was, sleeping next to Lucifer. To be fair, Jaune had to admit that the woman was a FURNACE to sleep next to. Demons have higher body temperatures than humans, so it didn't surprise him as much when he woke up relatively sweaty. It didn't help Lucifer liked being the big spoon and cuddled him like a body pillow, his head finding itself between her breasts more than once.

And subsequently waking up due to suffocation. There were kinks to work out … the non-Modeus kind.

Still, sleeping next to Lucifer was … Pleasant. Seeing her peaceful face there when he woke up was a strange, new feeling to experience. Like, no matter what, he knows that face will be there every morning when he wakes next to her.

f*ck, was he really falling for the girls? Perhaps. Still, that was not the current issue. He still had to worry about his family coming over and-

His scroll began to ring. Wait, what day was it again?

Answering the Scroll, Jaune's face paled immediately. It was Mister Colt. His family had just gotten to Vale … And they just boarded the ferry. He checked the time quickly, seeing it was a little past 9 in the morning.

"f*cking sh*tty Alarm!" He shouted, which woke up Lucifer.

"Jaune, why are you yelling?" She asked with a sleepy voice.

"They are coming, Lucy! They are coming NOW!"

"Huh? Oh! Oh … " Lucifer realized swiftly what he meant. "I will get the others. You go on ahead and intercept them; give us time to get ready."

"Roger!" Rushing to get dressed, Jaune didn't waste any time.

Arriving on Patch, Jaune's mother, Juliet, as well as his sisters, Coral, Lapis, Silva, and Jade, almost immediately made a B-line to where they knew Mister Colt now lived.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming! Keep it down, my wife is- Juliet?!" As he opened the door, Mister Colt was surprised to see Juliet on his doorstep. "You arrived already? My, time sure flies by."

"Mister Colt. Where is he?" Juliet asked, getting right to the point.

Mister Colt sighed. "His home is that way, through the woods. There is no path, and the snow is making it difficult to navigate, but trust me, with the trees all bare of leaves, you cannot miss the large building from a distance if you get close enough."

"Thank you. Girls, follow me!" Juliet told her family, leading them into the woods.

Mister Colt, for his part, just sighed. "I hope things go well."

"Jaune!" Juliet shouted for her son as she and the others walked through the woods. They hadn't seen any buildings so far, but that could only mean they still had some walking to do.

However, as she kept calling his name, tears began to run down her face. She had been so focused on finding him again that she spared no thought to what she'd say to him when she did find him.

"Jaune!" She shouted again, hoping for an answer.

"Mom, I think we-" Coral tried to speak, but her mother wasn't listening.

"Please, Jaune, say something! Shout back!" She pleaded, hoping for a sign. "Please! I'm sorry for what happened! I am sorry I couldn't stop your father from … "

She choked on her words for a second. "For trying to seal your aura! Please! I am sorry!"

Coral and the others were saddened to see their mother like this, aimlessly searching for her son.

"Mom?" Coral stepped forth, grabbing her mother's shoulder. The younger girls got closer to their mother as well. "Let's keep going; surely we are bound to-"

"What is that?" Juliet asked suddenly as she spotted something leaning against a tree. It was a shield. Not just any kind of shield either, but a heater shield, like the one of Crocea Mors! Coral saw it, too, and immediately went to inspect it.

"This is pristine! It has barely seen any use, likely brand new." She said as she examined the shield, finding it … odd, somewhat. She picked it up and immediately noted the weight. "It's light! This is lighter than anything I've felt before!"

"But … Why is there a shield out here?" Jade asked. "Who would just leave it? And … a shield isn't much good without a sword?"

"A sword … And a shield … " Juliet said slowly but wasn't given any more time to think.

"Woah!" Coral felt the shield give a strong tug. She saw the edges light up; there was Dust within, and it had activated. Unable to hold on, the shield flew out of her hands and into the woods, going behind a tree. After that, a person clad in armor and wearing a helmet that hid their features came out, the shield strapped to their forearm before it folded down.

Coral put her guard up, getting her weapon, a pair of dual swords, out to meet him.

"Who are you?" She asked, eyeing the stranger. The male figure lifted his head a bit and reached for their helmet.

They slowly removed it, and as blonde hair peaked out and blue eyes made contact with the others, the girls found their eyes growing large. Standing there, dressed in armor and with a visible weapon on his back, was Jaune Arc. The son Juliet had been so desperate to find.

"Hi, guys. It has been a while-OOF!" Again, he did not have a chance to finish as he was tackled to the ground by his family.

"Ow … " He whined, and then he looked down to see his mother and sisters all crying on his chest. He put on a weak smile. "It's alright. I am not hurt or anything."

His mother was sobbing and crying the most. Even after they got up, she wouldn't let go. She was afraid she'd lose him again.

"Mom," Jaune called out to her, making her look up. He saw how red her eyes were from shedding tears, and he could feel her shaking. "It's me. No need to be afraid. I am fine."

She only hugged him tighter.

"My baby boy … " She muttered, the others allowing their mother to have Jaune for herself for now. She needed this the most. "I'm so sorry … I just … I didn't."

"It's ok. I am not mad at you. I am not mad at any of you," He said, addressing his family. "I know none of you ever wished something like this to happen, and frankly, neither did I. I never knew that he might've done something like this … Had I done, I would've kept my aura a secret."

"How are you-" Then Jade noticed how he looked. "BIG BRO, YOU GREW!"

Everyone took a second look at him. He put on a goofy smile as they looked over him, and his mother took a moment to check better what she was feeling. At first, she dismissed it as some other piece of clothing, but now she could clearly discern the muscles he had! Alongside that, he was taller and, to her utter shock, had a ponytail!

"How, when, since when?!" Coral asked, being the most shocked.

"Big Bro got strong!" Jade cheered.

Jaune chuckled, hearing Jade say that, and then he let go of his mother, allowing Jade to run to him and jump in his arms. Before, he might have stumbled when she did that, but now he had no troubles. Even Lapis did the same, and he was able to hold them both in his arms without much issue. He did have a problem when Lapis, in her curiosity, pulled his ponytail.

"Ow!" He whined aloud, then chuckled. "It's real, girls. I let my hair grow a little."

"Look at you!" Coral said, looking him over. "Damn, noodle boy's gone, I didn't think you had it in your scrawny ass."

"Coral, watch your language!" Juliet said, covering Silva's ears. However, she had to say it as well. "How did you grow this strong, Jaune? I mean, you barely got your aura a few months ago."

"Oh, you know. Went to Hell, fought through damned souls, ghouls, skeletons, a Werewolf, and the queen of Hell herself … though the last two are nice once you get to know them. Then I went through a training regiment so brutal I needed an angel to heal me so I didn't die."Jaune had to hold back a chuckle at the idea of saying that out loud. "You know normal things … they would never believe me."

"And my semblance." He added, further shocking them. If he was to make sure they didn't worry, he had to drop as much as he could without revealing certain details. "I can amplify the strength of my aura, making me effectively stronger, more durable, and I even heal faster."

"That's … one hell of a semblance," Coral said, taking a small step back. It explained Jaune's glow back then as well, along with the power he showed. "But … Even so, how did you survive for so long? I mean, what have you been doing until now?"

"I don't know how much Mister Colt told you, but let's just say I found some good people that I now live with," Jaune explained. "Granted, I must warn you that they are quite … Unique."

"How unique are we-"

"Is Jauny coming home?" Silva asked, and what a question it was. However, as Jaune remained silent, the answer came by itself.

"You … Are not coming back, are you, Jaune?" Juliet asked.

"Sorry, but I am not," He confirmed with regret in his voice, putting his sisters down. "I cannot return to that house yet. Even now, seeing how you guys managed to track me down makes me think that Dad might do the same … And finish the job."

"Jaune, sweety, your father wouldn't-" Juliet stopped when Jaune put his hand up.

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather not talk about him. No, today is about you guys. When I will return, it will be the embodiment of everything he didn't believe I could be. But until that day comes, let's enjoy today, shall we?"

"What is your plan?" Coral asked out of curiosity.

"I will make it to Beacon, and I will succeed in becoming a Huntsman!" His aura flared for a moment as the emotions surged within him. Aura Overdrive's emotion-released side, right … he couldn't control it well, fully tied to the emotional state. All of them stared in awe at his declaration and the light that shined from his body. He turned to his mother. "I will graduate and become someone you all could be proud of. Including myself."

There was an awkward silence after that as they tried to figure out where to go from here. Juliet had spent so long thinking about seeing her son again, but not what she would say after she apologized. The silence was broken as fast as it settled, though.

"Your armor looks cool." Lapis cheered. The rest of them latched onto the conversation topic.

"Yeah! You look like you are out of a fairy tale or comic book." Jade nodded her head.

"Oh, oh!" Silva clapped her hands. "Do a superhero pose, Jauny!"

"Yeah, pose for us, little bro." Coral teased. "It will be just like when we dressed you up to be our pretty eighth sister."

Jaune sighed. He wasn't a fan of those memories, but as his younger sisters looked up at him expectantly, he did as they asked. Fond memories of stories from his youth came back to him as he struck a heroic stance. It wasn't long after that the sounds of giggling of young children and a snarky teen echoed through the woods. The Arc Matriarch is silent but smiling at her family interacting again.

All of this was watched by a certain demonic duo in the distance.

"This is so beautiful … a bit stilted but beautiful," Beelzebub said, hiding behind a tree with Lucifer.

"I must agree … He looks … happy." She said, watching Jaune point his sword forward with a smile on his face. "Beel?"

"Yes, Lucy?"

"Do you think he is happy with us as well?"

"Hmm," Beel pondered for a few moments. "Hard to say. This is Jaune's family we are talking about. As much as we might try to be close to him, even to act as another family, there is no replacement for his real one. All we can do is try to be there for him. He has a big, kind heart. Even us, demons, have started to develop sweet spots for him."

Lucifer scoffed. "As if."

"Don't try to lie, Lucy. I know the looks you keep giving him." Beel retorted, making Lucifer blush. "Granted, I'd be lying if I said I didn't begin to feel the same as well. Monica, Malina, Zdrada, Justice, Judgement, and Modeus have been warming up to him. Hell Cerberus adores him. Azazel … the poor little angel girl, never stood a chance. I am not too sure about Baphomet, however. Never could read her that well."

"True, she is unpredictable … " Lucifer kept watching over the scene in front of her, specifically focusing on Jaune. "Say, Beel? Jaune is … Mortal, right?"

"He is … I know what you are thinking, Lucy. One day, he will grow old and perish, like all humans do. But given his sins, there is a high chance he will join us in Hell. There is no death to keep us apart."

Lucifer didn't seem to find that all that reassuring. "What about … If He has something to say?"

Beel's expression darkened. "Then … There will be nothing we can do."

"If heaven takes him … "

"I don't know what we will do." Beel finished.

The sun was high in the sky by the time his sisters released him from their impromptu fashion show. Jaune offered to lead them to his place, where they could stay. His mother had said they could find a hotel or ask Mr Colt if they could stay with him. But Jaune wasn't having any of it. They had come to see him, so the least he could do was let them stay with him.

As it turns out, their visit wasn't that long. In a week, a boat would leave Patch, and that would start their journey back to Ansel. He honestly cannot find words to express how he thinks of the fact they traveled half of Remnant to see him again.

In a way, it was a heartwarming act, but … in another way, it was a chilling thought. And that was only one of the things he knew of.

As they walked, his mother caught a certain fragrance on her son. One she knows: a woman. Jaune had not showered after sleeping with Lucifer, and her perfume must have stuck to him. In the earlier chaos, she didn't catch it, but now? She did.

Her mental state was now more or less recovered, but that didn't stop her motherly instincts from kicking in. Not a word was used to inquire about it, but she would mount a full investigation into this. She wouldn't allow some hussie to get their hands on her son.

Grimm didn't surface during their meeting or on the way back. Patch was truly a good place for families.

His sisters were excited, but with the distance, some of their legs were getting tired. Jaune ended up carrying young Silva in his arms while Coral had Lapis, and Juliet had Jade. Despite the warmth of the sun, snow was still falling. In fact, Jaune noticed the wind pick up a bit, whipping the snow about. An incoming blizzard, perhaps? Good thing the house was powered by its generator. Speaking of, he should really ask Beel what else they can get. Curiosity was killing him.

They walked until they reached the inner barrier where no Grimm could enter. The size of the house made it easy to spot. It may have only been a few months, but just the sight of it made him smile.

"Jaune?" Silva looked at the house in the distance and pointed at it. "Is that where you live?"

"Yes. I share it with some new friends of mine. Hopefully, though, they behave." He said it as a joke, but he was really hoping they would. He eyed her to see if that had calmed her down at all, watching her look closer and even scratch the back of her head. A family thing, it seems. All Arcs seem to do that when nervous, and the thought of meeting so many new people must have been making little Silva quite nervous.

"That is quite the house!" Juliet remarked. "Is the owner rich or something?"

"Something like that. She built this house herself, with aid from the other girls inside."

"Girls? Plural?" Coral caught on, and Jaune cursed himself for letting that detail slip. "Jaune? How many girls have you been living with?"

"It's a big and full house. Reminds me of home." He said, walking up to the house, keeping his words relatively vague.

Jaune stepped in front of the door and couldn't help but think about how many things could go wrong once they got inside. He couldn't delay forever, so he would just take a moment to prepare himself.

But to his misfortune, as he tried to think, Lapis jumped out of Coral's arms and ran past him to the door. Assuming her big brother's hands were full, she stretched her little arm out and 'helpfully' opened the door. A hasty shove had it hit the wall with a bang, alerting the inhabitants of their arrival. A job well done, Lapis returned to her older sister for a pat on her shoulder … that never came. At least the reception was … nice.

"Oh, welcome back, Jaune!" Azazel was the one to greet him, being the only one near the door. However, her gaze immediately found Silva. "Oh! Who are you, you little cutie?"

She got closer to them. But Silva, being a bit shy, hid her face in his neck.

"It's ok, Silva. This is Azazel. Azazel, this is Silva, my youngest sister." Jaune then gestured behind him. "This is my mother, Juliet, and my other sisters, Coral, Jade, and Lapis."

"Oh, it's so wonderful to meet you all. We've been expecting you. Please make yourselves at home." The angel cheered, and as they walked in, she politely shook all their hands. "A word of warning though, the house can get a bit … lively."

"But sharing is caring!"

"If you want my panties, you're going to need to ask." A loud smack and a suggestive yelp followed Justice's voice. "Or try harder not to be caught."

The assembled Arcs looked into the living room to see Justice sitting on Modeus's back while the lustful demon had her hands and feet tied together. There was a long pause as they just stared.

"Guess I'm not the only one who has to deal with thieves." Jade glared at Lapis.

"Mine were in the wash!" Lapis whined, cheeks red.

"No, you are definitely not the only one, Jade," Coral said with annoyance. Then she smiled and elbowed her brother. "At least there was one sibling I didn't have to worry about borrowing mine, right?"

Jaune cringed at the thought. "I'd rather wear nothing!"

He regretted his words as Modeus turned her head towards him and licked her lips. Maybe it would have been a better idea for her to go commando herself.

This was a terrible start to their introductions. And the worst offenders had yet to be seen.

"Oh … my apologies." Justice had the decency to look sheepish. "I was just dispensing some …"

"Correctional punishment?" Juliet raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, exactly." Justice smiled as she got off the ground and pulled Modeus up to her feet. "Have experience?"

"Yes." Juliet eyed her children, who looked away. "A fair amount. But don't forget to reward good behavior as well."

"I'll try. The name's Jesse Justice, but just call me Justice." She pulled Modeus close. "And this prisoner … roommate is Modeus."

"Yes, that's me. A pleasure to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but … " Modeus wiggled her body. "I'm a bit tied up."

"And you'll stay that way." Justice dragged the thief with her as she walked to the group with her hand out. "I may be blind, but I sense there are some tiny ones in the room."

"I'm not tiny!" Lapis pouted. That got a laugh out of everyone.

"Aww, look at her little cheeks" Modeus mussed, leaning down. "She is so cute!"

Jaune introduced his family again as he made his way to the kitchen. "You've had a long journey, so how about some lunch?"

That got nods of agreement from the adults and cheers from the kids. Jaune smiled as he started to get things ready and-


Everyone jumped as the side door to the kitchen flew open and smashed into the wall.

"DID SOMEONE SAY FOOD?!" Beel blinked at the startled faces looking at her. Really, she shouldn't have been surprised. She had seen them enter the house, but she had been thinking with her stomach … again. Her cheeks were pink as she mumbled. "I mean … did someone say lunch?"

Jaune rolled his eyes and started to get things out of the fridge. "Yes, Beel, I'll make you food. Sit and meet everyone."

As she did, more arrivals appeared through the door.

"We heard Beel yelling about food!" Cerberus rushed into the room, too. "Is there any left?"

And with that, the rest of the girls trickled into the room. Jaune was glad the table was so big. Silva and Lapis ended up petting Cerberus's ears and making cute cooing noises. Jade was feeding Modeus as per Justice's instructions, much to the embarrassment of the first and the amusem*nt of the second.

Judgement was watching Malina and Zdrada like a hawk. Both girls were mostly quiet apart from introducing themselves. Once done eating, they left. Most likely to drink and smoke in their rooms.

Baphomet had ended up sitting beside Coral. They were talking about … goats … god damn it. Coral's strained and hesitant smile was enough to tell the whole room what she thought about the topic.

Beel was stuffing her face. Luckily, everyone else was too busy to notice the bottomless pit, which was her stomach.

Monica … was enjoying her coffee. Jaune had poured all of his concentration into making that cup of joe. The single nod of approval from her told him he had done well and not messed up. She had agreed not to hurt him while his family was around, but he didn't want to risk her bottling everything up and releasing all of it on him when they left. Azazel was sitting beside her.

Lucifer was talking to Juliet. That seemed to be going … fine. Jaune had been busy making food, but he wondered how that conversation had started.

She watched the older woman, by her human children's standards, sit at the table with the others. Her next steps needed to be taken with care.

It was very important to be on good terms with a partner's parents … not that she cared about him … much. No matter what Beel said about her having a 'sweet spot' for him. But still. This was Jaune's mother!

She checked her appearance another time. Spotless, as expected. A first impression could make or break a relationship. However, that didn't stop Jaune from defying that concept. But she didn't need to get sidetracked. Yes, she needed to impress, but then again …

She was Lucifer!

Who didn't she impress?

With a confident stride, she moved forward.

"You must be Mrs Arc." Lucifer held out her hand. "My name is Lucy."

"Yes, I am." She shook the offered hand. "But you can call me Juliet."

"Of course, Juliet." Lucifer sat down next to her. She was already on a first-name basis. "I must say I wanted to thank you."

Juliet blinked. They had just met. "For what?"

"For Jaune." Lucifer gave a soft smile. "He is an outstanding young man. Helpful, kind, and dependable. You did a good job raising him."

"Oh … thank you." Juliet didn't register the fact that she sat straighter. Her mind was elsewhere. "Though with recent events … I don't know."

"Not a good direction to go."Lucifer tried to steer things to a happier topic. "Well, everyone makes mistakes, but let's talk about successes. How was your trip?"

"Oh, it was … pleasant. I don't travel too much." Juliet said as more people came into the room. Pleasantries and introductions were had as they sat down. But she couldn't help but notice something. "Say Lucy? You have been living with Jaune since he left home, right?"


"Along with everyone else in the house, correct?" Juliet got a nod to her question. "Then tell me, how many girls and how many boys live here?"

"Well, there are … 11 … I mean 13 girls here." Lucifer had to recount due to Cerberus. She wasn't sure she liked the sharp gaze in the eyes of the mother before her. But she knew beating around the burning bush wasn't going to help her. Best to go straight for the throat. "And one boy."

Juliet felt her suspicions confirmed. A mix of conflicting emotions filled her. Who were these girls? Could they be trusted? Was Jaune safe with them?

Would any of them sneak into his room at night and do unspeakable things to him?

"Remember, Jaune is human. If he c*ms too much and doesn't hydrate, he will die of dehydration before sunrise."Modeus blinked at the thoughts she was picking up from Jaune's mother. "I'm not that bad. If anything, that's more of Monica's thing. And since when is my smile that creepy? What the Hell? How did she even know I would tie him to the bed that way or wear something like that? sh*t, can she read minds too? When people are thinking about her kids, maybe?"

Modeus didn't get to think any longer as another fork of food was pushed into her mouth. When was someone going to untie her?

Juliet's protective nature was something that would not be ignored. But she had only just reconnected with her son again. She didn't want to overreact and do something that would drive a wedge between them. So she couldn't come off as hostile to his friends. No, she would have to be calm and collected about this. First, she needed to get to know them more.

Luckily, she had one to interrogate right in front of her.

"You need not worry, Juliet. Jaune has been nothing but a gentleman."

Juliet wasn't concerned about the girls in the house. She only cared about her baby boy right now. "Yes, I thought so. Now tell me, Lucy, what do you do for a living? You do have a job, right? You can support yourself and others, right?"

Lucifer wasn't expecting that question, but she did what she did best.


"I'm a CEO, actually," Lucifer said without missing a beat. "I'm currently taking time off, and I left things in the hands of someone competent."

"That is … impressive." Juliet was a little surprised, but it would explain the size of the house. "What does your company do?"

"We work in conjunction with the Kingdoms to see that those without a moral compass get the punishment they deserve. If someone falls through the cracks, they will find themselves falling into our domain."

"Wait, bounty hunters? Or prisons? Isn't that dangerous? The negativity attracts the Grimm."

"We only have the best of the best working for us," Lucifer said with pride. "That said, due to legal agreements, the name Hell Incorporate won't be easy to find. But those same agreements pay quite nicely."

"Very interesting." Juliet nodded and kept the conversation going. "You said you left things to someone competent. What are they like?"

"He used to be my mentor." Lucifer was a bit strained on that topic but pushed forward. "We haven't always gotten along, but we are able to work together."

Lucifer would keep talking and be the one to ask Juliet questions as well. She would build a rapport with this woman or die trying.

Jaune felt tired, and not physically exhausted, like training with Judgement and Ignium, but mentally. After lunch, he showed his guests around the house. There were questions and more talking. His sisters were very interested in a heated pool. Now it was late and time for bed. He had already gotten all his family's luggage into their room earlier, and he had just said goodnight to Juliet and Coral. Though he could have done without the kiss on the forehead from his mom.

Now, he was dealing with his three youngest sisters. They were already in their admittedly cute pajamas. So he just had to tuck them in. It had been a while since their big brother had done it, so they would not take no for an answer.

Not that he minded.

"Ok, everyone on." Jaune lifted Silva onto the bed as Jade and Lapis climbed on. The three lay down in a line, resting their heads on the pillows. "Alright, good night."

"Jauny, are you still going to be here in the morning?" Silva asked. Jaune felt a stabbing pain in his chest at the fear in her voice.

"Of course I will." He smiled at her and patted her head.

"Promise?" Lapis looked up at him nervously.

"Arc's word." Jaune lifted the cover and put it over their bodies. He then kissed each of them on the forehead. By the time he got to the door, their eyes had drifted closed. It had been an exciting day for them. From getting off the ship to finding him and all the other things. "Good night. Don't let the demons jump scare you."

He smiled at his joke. His sisters were too sleepy to think about his words. He turned off the lights and gently closed the door. With a sigh, he made his way up to his room.

Low on energy, he stared at the floor as he walked in. He just wanted to sleep at this point. Closing his door, he turned around and lifted his head as he stretched. He froze with his arms still in the air with what he saw on his bed …

Or rather, who was on his bed.

Pandemonica was looking at him with narrowed eyes, staring right into his soul. He gulped and stopped holding his hands in the air like an idiot. Making sure that the door was closed and locked, he searched around his pockets for the coupon he got. He must have done something that earned her ire.

However, Pandemonica put her hand up.

"I am not here to harm you, Jaune." She clarified, calming the boy down a bit. "At least, not tonight. I am here for something else."

"And that is … ?" Jaune trailed off.

"Shout at me," Pandemonica replied sternly.

"Come again?" Jaune asked in confusion.

"Earlier, when you shouted at me during your little planning session. Do that again." She demanded.

"You want me to shout at you?" Jaune asked again. "Look, back then, I was under a lot of stress, and I didn't really mean to shout, so-"

"Shut up," Monica said, getting up from his bed and walking to him.

"Do it." She raised her hand, intending to grab his neck. "Or else I will not stop until you scream my name … "

"Oh, sh*t."


A Demon carol

Jaune walked into the living room after having enjoyed a special Christmas buffet of pancakes and other goodies with the girls. Anything leftover had been stored in the fridge for later. Though odds were that Beel would find it before anyone else. It's not like she left much to begin with.

"Feliz Navidad."

He raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar sounds. Cerberus was … prancing, for lack of a better word, around the room.

"Feliz Navidad."

Her three bodies moved in a line, a wide smile on her faces as she swung her heads side to side and sang.

"Feliz Navidad."

Jaune didn't understand the words but it was up beat and seeing Cerberus happy warmed his heart.

"¡Próspero año y felicidad!"

He wondered what ancient and mythical language she was speaking. But he guessed he wouldn't ever know what the words meant.

"I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas."

Oh …

"I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas."

Well that was one mystery solved he supposed.

"I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas."

Cerberus cupped her hands over her hearts.

"From the bottom of my heart!"

She did a little hop and continued singing. The others in the room didn't ignore her. Azazel was incensed. No one out Christmased her!

She stood with all the poise that the subject demanded.

"O Holy night! The stars are brightly shining."

A true angel's voice rang out through the room.

"It is the night of our dear Savior's birth."

Jaune was in a little bit of awe at what his ears were picking up. It was however slightly damped by the fact Cerberus was still singing without a care in the world. But two voices competing wasn't that bad. Right? It could be worse.

"Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg."

"Batmobile lost a wheel And Joker got away."

Justice had a sh*t eating smile as she threw her hands up in the air.


Malina snarled at all the noise. If they could all be annoying c*nts then why couldn't she? She opened her mouth but Jaune didn't catch what she was saying as another voice spoke at the same time.

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas."

Beelzebub's voice cut through the others with the sheer amount of happiness in it.

"Only a hippopotamus will do."

"I don't want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy."

"I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy."

Jaune was starting to have a hard time following along with the songs.

"Rudolph the Red-Horned Goat."

Baphomet refused to be out done by a lesser animal.

"Had a very shiny horn."

"And if you ever saw it."

"You would even say it glows."

Malina didn't like being ignored. She stood, raised her glass and yelled.

"To Christmas! Raise a glass while we all cheer."

"To Christmas! Fill it with whiskey or beer."

"To Christmas! It's the most fun time of year."

"Three-sixty-five days to Christmas!"

Zdrada, not willing to lose a chance to mess with her sister, started singing even louder.

"Oh Christmas trees. Oh Christmas trees."

"I break you down and grind it."

"Oh Christmas trees. Oh Christmas trees."

"I roll you up and light it."

Judgement had already been singing but Jaune only now was able to hear her.

"Jingle Hell, Jingle Hell,"

"Jingle Hell today,"

"Stop all humanity in its tracks,"

"And bring Earth to its knees!"

"Jingle Hell, Jingle Hell,"

"Jingle Hell today,"

"All we need is some Super Shotguns,"

"To end all of the dismay!"

Monica's voice reached his ears as she was already in a song.

"… No sugar tonight in my coffee."

"No sugar tonight in my tea."

"No sugar to stand beside me."

"No sugar to run with me."

"Wait, is that even a Christmas song?" Jaune couldn't help but wonder. The other songs were … maybe Christmas related. Judgement was a big maybe there. But Monica sounded like it was about coffee from what he heard. "Did … she just switch songs to a different one about coffee? Well … I didn't even think she would sing. What's next, is Lucy going to start singing? HA I'd love to see-"

"You're a mean one, Mr. God,"

Lucifer's voice was incredibly smooth. Jaune could only stare.

"You really are a heel!"

"You're as cuddly as a cactus,"

"You're as charming as an eel, Mr. God."

"You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!"

"You're a monster, Mr. God."

"Your heart's an empty hole!"

"Your brain is full of spiders,"

"You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. God."

" … I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!"

Jaune didn't know what to think as she took a breath before continuing to sing. Maybe her pride wouldn't let her be out done, even in singing? That seemed to be happening a lot right now. Pride or spite he wasn't sure.

Before he could think about it more, another song started up.

"I really can't stay."

Modeus pushed a piece of paper into his hand. Jaune hesitantly read it out loud.

"Baby, it's cold outside."

Modeus hugged him from his side and pushed his arm into her breasts.

"I've got to go away."

Picking up on the pattern Jaune played along and made his voice go deeper.

"Baby, it's cold outside."

She shivered at the deep baritone coming out of him and pressed herself harder into him.

"But if you can convince me to stay?"

"Let me slip past your lips and put a baby in you!" Jaune blinked and reread the paper. "Wait is that really how the song gohmhmhmhm-"

Jaune's question was cut off as Modeus jumped up and smashed her lips against his. Losing his balance he fell back onto a couch. Quickly she started undoing his belt.

"That's right Jaune you are giving me my present. Even if it will be 9 months late …" Modeus thought about it some more. "Or would it be a few months early? Yes Jaune is going to give me one gift right now as soon as I get his pants off. And he is already thinking about what he is going to get me next Christmas. You thoughtful stud you."

As chaos filled the room the competing noise of all the singing drowned out the sound of a very different type of a carol being sung.

And of a certain gift being made.

Arc of Hell - Rewritten Edition - Chapter 19 - Horned One (VoidDevil) (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.