Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (2024)

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (1)

The Independent

USC student, 19, accused of fatally stabbing a homeless man trying to break into cars in front of frat house

Ivan Gallegos, 19, was arrested and booked on suspicion of murder and held on $2 million bond

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (2)

The Independent

A father caught a ride share driver assaulting his daughter. He took matters into his own hands

Her father tracked her phone to a well-known fishing spot

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (3)

The Independent

Teenager who murdered boy, 17, on crowded dancefloor at party jailed for life

Charlie Cosser died in hospital two days after the stabbing, suffering a cardiac arrest

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (4)


15-Year-Old Accused of Stabbing Mom in Her Sleep Gave Bizarre Explanation About Why She Did It

Lexi Jade Brown, 15, has been charged with attempted murder and arson, police say

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (5)


The British Army trains in Kenya. Many women say soldiers raped them and abandoned children they fathered

Seventeen-year-old Marian Pannalossy cuts a striking figure wherever she goes in Archer’s Post, a small town 200 miles north of Nairobi. She lives alone and is light-skinned in a place where mixed-race people are a rarity and therefore ostracized.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (7)

Associated Press

5 family members of Malaysian man who attacked police station face terrorism charges

The father of a Malaysian man who attacked a police station and killed two police officers last month was charged Wednesday with inciting terrorism in his family. Radin Imran Radin Mohd Yassin, 62, faces four charges including promoting terrorist acts by allegedly instilling the violent ideology of the Islamic State group in his family, including his 21-year-old son Radin Luqman, who was killed by police in the attack. Radin Luqman stormed the police station in southern Johor state near Singapore in the early hours of May 17 with a machete.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (8)

The Independent

Acid attacks soar by 75% with growing numbers of female victims

Half of all corrosive offences last year were against women, a charity has warned, as figures show attacks are soaring

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (9)


Woman Who Found Missing 12-Year-Old Girl’s Body in Creek Recalls the Discovery: ‘How Could Somebody Do This?’

"Being from a small town and then nothing like this ever happens," Billie Jean Jackson said of the incident

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (10)


Man Arrested in 23-Year-Old Cold Case Turns Out to Be Ex-Boyfriend of Victim's Daughter

Leslie Preer was found dead in her home in May 2001

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (11)

NY Daily News

Cops nab ‘person of interest’ in Queens park sex attack against 13 year old girl

NEW YORK — A migrant from Ecuador has been taken into custody for the horrific sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in a Queens park, police sources said. The suspect, who entered the U.S. through Eagle Pass, Tex. in June 2021, was taken in for questioning around 1:30 a.m. after a group of good Samaritans recognized him as the one allegedly responsible for the Thursday afternoon attack. ...

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (12)


Ex-youth worker handed 2-year sentence for sexual exploitation of 14-year-old in 1990

A former youth worker with Alberta Child and Family Services has been handed a two-year sentence for sexual exploitation.Beverly Allard, 65, had a years-long sexual relationship with a teenage boy starting in 1990.During the trial, court heard that Allard was 31-years-old when she began having sex with the then-14-year-old boy who CBC News is identifying as A.B. to comply with a publication ban on the victim's identity.On Wednesday, Court of King's Bench Justice Lisa Silver addressed Allard dire

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (13)


Man arrested in rape of 13-year-old after residents spot him

Community members helped identify a man who is accused of raping a 13 year old in Queens, New York.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (14)

The Independent

A Florida firefighter had his throat slit ear-to-ear in 1987. Police just ID’ed his killer

William ‘Billy’ Halpern was found beaten, stabbed and strangled in his home in Miramar on October 21 1986

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (15)


GOP Candidate Tells Black Americans Seeking Reparations To 'Get The F**k Out' Of America

Valentina Gomez, whose campaign for Missouri secretary of state has consisted of hom*ophobic stunts and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, was eviscerated on social media.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (16)

Evening Standard

Justin Timberlake's arresting officer 'had no idea who the star was'

Timberlake reportedly whispered ‘this going to ruin the tour’ during his arrest, a source said

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (17)

The Guardian

Man killed in alleged ‘devastating’ road rage incident in Sydney, police look for ute driver

A 27-year-old man was allegedly struck down in morning traffic in Blackett after feeling threatened by the vehicle following him

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (18)

AFP News

Diplomats say at least 550 pilgrims died during hajj, mostly Egyptians

Diplomats on Tuesday said at least 550 pilgrims died during the hajj, underscoring the gruelling nature of the pilgrimage which again unfolded in scorching temperatures this year.At least 323 of those who died were Egyptians, most of them succumbing to heat-related illnesses, two Arab diplomats coordinating their countries' responses told AFP."All of them (the Egyptians) died because of heat" except for one who sustained fatal injuries during a minor crowd crush, one of the diplomats said, adding the total figure came from the hospital morgue in the Al-Muaisem neighbourhood of Mecca.At least 60 Jordanians also died, the diplomats said, up from an official tally of 41 given earlier on Tuesday by Amman.The new deaths bring the total reported so far by multiple countries to 577, according to an AFP tally.The diplomats said the total at the morgue in Al-Muaisem, one of the biggest in Mecca, was 550.The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and all Muslims with the means must complete it at least once.The pilgrimage is increasingly affected by climate change, according to a Saudi study published last month that said temperatures in the area where rituals are performed were rising 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.72 degrees Fahrenheit) each decade.Temperatures hit 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 Fahrenheit) at the Grand Mosque in Mecca on Monday, the Saudi national meteorology centre said.- Heat stress -Earlier on Tuesday, Egypt's foreign ministry said Cairo was collaborating with Saudi authorities on search operations for Egyptians who had gone missing during the hajj.While a ministry statement said "a certain number of deaths" had occurred, it did not specify whether Egyptians were among them.Saudi authorities have reported treating more than 2,000 pilgrims suffering from heat stress but have not updated that figure since Sunday and have not provided information on fatalities.At least 240 pilgrims were reported dead by various countries last year, most of them Indonesians.AFP journalists in Mina, outside Mecca, on Monday saw pilgrims pouring bottles of water over their heads as volunteers handed out cold drinks and fast-melting chocolate ice cream to help them keep cool.Saudi officials had advised pilgrims to use umbrellas, drink plenty of water and avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day.But many of the hajj rituals, including the prayers on Mount Arafat which took place on Saturday, involve being outdoors for hours in the daytime.Some pilgrims described seeing motionless bodies on the roadside and ambulance services that appeared overwhelmed at times.Around 1.8 million pilgrims took part in the hajj this year, 1.6 million of them from abroad, according to Saudi authorities.- Unregistered pilgrims -Each year tens of thousands of pilgrims attempt to perform the hajj through irregular channels as they cannot afford the often costly procedures for official hajj visas.This places these off-the-books pilgrims at risk as they cannot access air-conditioned facilities provided by Saudi authorities along the hajj route.One of the diplomats who spoke to AFP on Tuesday said that the Egyptian death toll was "absolutely" boosted by a large number of unregistered Egyptian pilgrims."Irregular pilgrims caused great chaos in the Egyptian pilgrims' camps, causing the collapse of services," said an Egyptian official supervising the country's hajj mission."The pilgrims went without food, water, or air conditioning for a long time."They died "from the heat because most people had no place" to take shelter.Earlier this month, Saudi officials said they had cleared hundreds of thousands of unregistered pilgrims from Mecca ahead of the hajj.Other countries to report deaths during the hajj this year include Indonesia, Iran and Senegal.Most countries have not specified how many deaths were heat-related.Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jalajel said on Tuesday that health plans for the hajj had "been successfully carried out", preventing major outbreaks of disease and other public health threats, the official Saudi Press Agency reported.Health officials "provided virtual consultations to over 5,800 pilgrims, primarily for heat-related illnesses, enabling prompt intervention and mitigating the potential for a surge in cases," SPA said.bur/jsa

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (19)

AFP News

Chinese 'underground bankers' launder Sinaloa drug money: US

The US Justice Department on Tuesday accused Chinese "underground bankers" of helping Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel launder more than $50 million in drug trafficking proceeds.The Justice Department said the Chinese "underground bankers" had helped the cartel transfer drug profits from the United States to Mexico.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (20)

Sky News

Mysterious monolith discovered in desert near Las Vegas

A mysterious monolith has baffled police officers in Las Vegas after it was spotted glimmering in a remote mountain range near the neon-lit city. Las Vegas police said members of a volunteer search and rescue unit encountered the mirrored object near Gass Peak in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada. Officers have no idea where the monolith came from and have said they expect social media users will try to solve the mystery.

Man allegedly killed by USC student on Greek row identified as investigation continues (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.