Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (2024)

May 23, 2011 / by Miryam@eatgood4life


Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies

I love making cookies but using butter is something that I always refrain from using. For these Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies I used olive oil, which I like much better.

Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (1)
I am extremely excited and happy to post this magnificent recipe…..regular chocolate chip cookies….MOVE OVER!!!! These Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookiesare awesome!!!

Not only these Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookiesare better for you since I used less sugar, olive oil, oatmeal, wheat germ and whole wheat pastry flour, but they are still super simple to put together, and most importantly, they taste superb!

I use whole wheat pastry flour, wheat germ, olive oil and of course tons of oatmeal as well as dark chocolate chips which can easily be substituted with raisins and cinnamon and be turned into oatmeal and raisin cookies. I think shredded coconut and nuts will be an awesome combination as well…… Just throwing some ideas out there!!

There is nothing further I can really say about this recipe but that we loved them so so much. I made the cookies two days ago and disappeared within 48 hours :-) If you are on a path to healthier eating and have a sweet tooth these cookies may be the answer for you!


Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (2)Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (3)

Cool the cookies about 2-3 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. They are so so so good…..

Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (4)Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (5)

Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (6)


Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies

Miryam's original recipe

Yield: 30 cookies


1 cup unrefined sugar
1 1/2 cup coconut oil melted, or light olive oil
2 eggs
2 cups rolled oats
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
2 teaspoons aluminum free baking powder
1/2 cup wheat germ, oat bran also works well
2 cups dark chocolate chips, or 1 cup choc chips and 1 cup walnuts


Preheat oven to 350F. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside. I used 4 cookie baking sheets at once, much faster

In a mixing bowl, with a wire whisk, mix first 3 ingredients. Add oatmeal, flour, baking powder, wheat germ and chocolate chips. Combine until all of the ingredients are mix thoroughly.

With a medium cookie scoop, place cookie batter onto prepared cookies sheets. Flatten them out with the palm of your hand slightly and bake for 12-14 minutes.

Cool cookies on the cookie sheet for 2-3 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (8)

Nutrition facts calculatedbased on the recipe yielding 30 servings 1 serving = 1 cookie.

The cookies are really big but if you dividethe batter by 60 medium-small cookies they will go down to 103 calories each. All of the other components will be alsohalf.

Chocolate, Cookies, Eat Good 4 Life Favorites


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  1. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (9)

    kerry.ajohnson May 23, 2011 @ 8:26 pm Reply

    These look so good! Just one question. The recipe says 1 1/2 olive oil. Is this supposed to be 1 1/2 tablespoons?

  2. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (10)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com May 23, 2011 @ 11:26 pm Reply

    Hi Kerry,

    I corrected the mistake. It is cups, it seems like a lot but since it does not have butter and it has quite a bit of dry ingredients is ok.

    Olive oil contains way more healthier fats than butter or margarine does :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog

  3. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (11)

    Kim {Recipes To Run On} May 24, 2011 @ 1:16 pm Reply

    My family LOVES chocolate chip cookies. I always love a choc chip/oatmeal variation and am anxious to make these. Bookmarking to make with my kiddos soon!

  4. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (12)

    Natalie May 24, 2011 @ 7:25 pm Reply

    these look awesome! I just picked up some dark choc chips–might have to try these! :)

  5. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (13)

    Hamannde June 20, 2011 @ 2:36 pm Reply

    These were great! The dough was swimming in olive oil, which really worried me, but they came out crispy/chewy like a cookie should be and not greasy at all. The texture was the same as a buttery unhealthy cookie. Yay! I used extra virgin olive oil because that’s all I have and it tasted just a little nutty, so next time I’ll add some walnuts and everyone will think the nutty taste is from the nuts. :)

  6. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (14)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com June 20, 2011 @ 3:38 pm Reply


    thanks for the comment.

    Me to thought that the cookies where way to grease with all of the oil, I was worried before I baked them but they came out great although I would prefer a little bit less of it. Maybe next time I will experiment and decrease it by just a tinny bit :-)

    If they come out good with less oil I will post the correction.

  7. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (15)

    Hamannde July 10, 2011 @ 11:14 am Reply

    I just made these again but as cinnamon raisin. I used 2 tablespoons cinnamon and 2 cups of raisins (I’ll use 1.5 cups next time) instead of chocolate chips. I used 1 cup of olive oil. They were super delicious, but they had more of a healthy cookie texture, compared to the totally “normal cookie” texture when making them with the full 1.5 cups oil. So, next time I’ll try it with 1.25 cups oil! And both times I made them I used way less sugar and they were still nice and sweet. And there was no nutty taste this time from using extra virgin. The cinnamon took care of that. :) The husband even said these were very good! And he’s really picky.

  8. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (16)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com July 10, 2011 @ 10:09 pm Reply


    I am glad you are liking the cookies. Like you I keep trying to improve the recipe and try to decrease the sugar and oil content :-) Let me know how they turn out with just 1 1/2 cups of oil.

    I have found a new type of sugar I will be using for my recipes, sucanat, which is just sugar that is a little bit less processed than regular white sugar, although white sugar works just perfect. I just want to find other ways to keep the recipes slightly healthier. I just can’t give up the sugar all together, an impossible task for me :-)

  9. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (17)

    Nagore October 23, 2011 @ 4:23 pm Reply

    Hola! I wonder if wheat germ is available in Spain? or how it could be traslated into spanish? i’ve been looking and I couldnt find it! something else i could use instead?

    me encanta tu blog!! :)

  10. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (18)

    Nagore October 23, 2011 @ 4:24 pm Reply

    oh! and rolled oats? i think i only find old fashined ones!

    Thanks! (i write in english so someone with the same problem can understand)

  11. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (19)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com October 23, 2011 @ 9:51 pm Reply


    Wheat germ es germen de trigo pero tambien puedes usar salvado de trigo que es wheat bran o semillas de lino en polvo que es muy bueno contra la inflamacion y para bajar el colesterol. Lo que pasa con este ultimo es que es un poco caro pero una bolsa te durara mucho. Si lo compras asegurate que es en polvo pues en semillas no tiene el mismo efecto.

    Todos estos productos los puedes encontrar en un herbolario, mercadona o en carrefour que yo los he visto este verano cuando fui a espana.

    Espero que esto te ayude y gracias por visitar mi blog :-)

  12. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (20)

    Texanerin October 26, 2011 @ 7:59 pm Reply

    I made these today and used 1 cup of olive oil, forgetting about my previous comment (when I said I’d use 1 1/4 cup next time). The texture was totally different than when I used 1 cup before. It’s weird. Then I added more olive oil. It’s all pointless. I remember the first time I made them the texture was perfect! It was huge amount of olive and it seemed really greasy, but they came out the best that way. So everyone make it as written because it’s already perfect (although I think they’re even yummier as oatmeal raisin, but that’s a personal preference :)).

  13. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (21)

    Teresa November 6, 2011 @ 3:19 am Reply

    Hi Miryam!

    I graduated with a BS in Nutrition and love food just like you! I would like to say I made these for my cousin’s bridal shower today, and the girls and I loved them!! Everyone was scared to try them when I mentioned they were healthy cookies and then shocked at how delicious they were! Thank you for your recipe! I can’t wait to try more of your recipes. They all sound yummy! :)

  14. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (22)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com December 30, 2011 @ 3:29 pm Reply


    thanks for your kind comment. I am glad they were a succes with your friends and sorry for the delayed response :-) Hope you keep coming back!!

  15. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (23)

    Resurgam January 23, 2012 @ 12:14 am Reply

    Thanks for providing the recipe. I have some in the oven right now, however slightly altered. I used a little less sugar, slightly less oil, less chocolate chips and added a half cup raw sesame seeds and a few dried cranberries. Craving some chocolate chip loving goodness tonight! My BF never seems to mind either. Can’t wait!

  16. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (24)

    Resurgam January 23, 2012 @ 12:25 am Reply

    WOW!!!! I DID NOT expect these to be this good! Though I did make some additions and subtractions—stated in the last comment. These are AWESOME! Wont be the last time I make them. Thank you!

  17. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (25)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com January 23, 2012 @ 2:31 am Reply


    how funny that you just posted this. I actually finished making a batch myself and like you next time I think I will be adding a bit less sugar :-)

    Thanks for the kind comments!

  18. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (26)

    eatme_delicious January 28, 2012 @ 5:44 pm Reply

    Ooo yum I always love trying out new healthier cookie recipes!

  19. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (27)

    asmith March 23, 2012 @ 6:16 pm Reply

    Just wondering…. do you think you could use canola or safflower oil?

  20. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (28)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com March 23, 2012 @ 6:26 pm Reply


    any would do but olive oil is healthier if you have it. It contains more quantities of healthier fats :-)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (29)

    Carolyn Young May 8, 2012 @ 11:38 am Reply

    Excellent recipe! I used less oil, just 1 cup of oil and half the amount of sugar. I will be making these again. Let’s see how long they last once the kids try them ;)

  22. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (30)

    Erin May 8, 2012 @ 9:50 pm Reply

    Hi Miryam, I love your recipes!!! Discovered your website about a month ago, thanks so much for sharing. Just wondering if you have baked with coconut sugar and any thoughts on it? Erin

  23. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (31)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com May 8, 2012 @ 11:11 pm Reply

    Erin, I haven’t had the pleasure of baking with coconut sugar but I have heard good things about it.

    When using coconut I just try to just use coconut oil, milk and the greatness of the shredded kind. So far not the sugar coconut kind.

    Sorry I couldn’t be of anymore help. Let me know if you try it and if you do let me know if you like it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  24. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (32)

    Erin May 12, 2012 @ 10:05 pm Reply

    Miryam, I made the healthier oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and used coconut sugar instead of white sugar and they turned out great!! Loved that I could taste the oatmeal and dark chocolate since coconut sugar is not as sweet.

    I use coconut oil, milk, and shavings too. Love it all, even use the oil as lotion. Thanks again for the great recipe! Erin

  25. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (33)

    mindy May 22, 2012 @ 7:14 pm Reply

    My HDL is a little low and this recipe is just what I needed! I did use canola oil b/c I heard it was better to bake with but I will definitely try olive oil next time. Also I added 1/4 cup flax seed. Next time I will substitute it for the wheet germ. I didn’t realize they were almost the same thing and had already added wheat germ. Also I used 4 egg whites. These turned out great!!!!!

  26. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (34)

    Robin July 9, 2012 @ 5:36 pm Reply

    I found your website a few months ago when looking for a healthy oatmeal cookie recipe and I am so glad I did. These cookies are amazing and we love them! I have baked them twice now and will be doing a third batch real soon. Thank you for the great recipe!! :)

  27. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (35)

    Jaime Haney aka ArtsyFartsy.Me July 19, 2012 @ 5:22 am Reply

    I can’t believe no one has balked that these cookies are 206 calories EACH!!!!!!! They look delicious, but come on. That is way too many calories for one cookie. Is this correct? I don’t mean to sound snarky. I am loving your blog but I am on a 1200 calorie day diet and that would not work, not even as a splurge. And if you’re not on a 1200 cal/day diet, after a few of these a couple times a week, you would need to be! lol…

  28. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (36)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com July 19, 2012 @ 2:07 pm Reply

    Jaimie, the reason why they are 206kcal is bc they are very large. Look at the quantity of ingredients and the amt of cookies obtained. You can obtain 60 cookies instead of 30 and have 103 kcal per cookie!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (37)

    Mr. Johnson July 20, 2012 @ 10:55 pm Reply

    I used Stevia instead of sugar, and used ground flax instead of wheat germ. They were so good. Scone like consistency. I smear on so PB and eat half hour before intensive cardio. Great energy booster.

  30. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (38)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com July 23, 2012 @ 4:28 am Reply

    Mr. Johnson,

    Thanks for the feedback!! I am glad you like them as much as we do :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  31. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (39)

    Kristen August 1, 2012 @ 7:30 pm Reply

    I stumbled upon this post when looking for a healthy oatmeal cookie recipe. I’d like to try honey instead of sugar. I used Dr. Sears’ healthy oatmeal cookie recipe with my last batch but they turned out very cakey. It was probably due to an alteration, but I wanted to try something different this time. Hoping this one will work! Oh, I also want to try grinding the oats into a flour for a smoother texture.

  32. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (40)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com August 1, 2012 @ 10:08 pm Reply


    Using honey may make the batter too moist and pulverizing the oats may make the batter too dry!!

    Maybe if you try pulverizing just a little bit of the oats and use some honey, but not all for the sugar, that may work . You are just going to have to experiment with the proportions!!

    Let me know how they turn out.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  33. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (41)

    Kristen August 2, 2012 @ 2:40 am Reply

    I made them – halved the recipe in case they were a bust. Then I used 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup oil and pulverized the oats. If I had left out the wheat flour I think they would have been perfect. As they are, they are more like scones, lol. I’ll try again another time.

  34. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (42)

    Karilynn84 September 1, 2012 @ 1:45 am Reply


    Just curious if you meant the recipe to say quick oats instead of rolled oats? Made these following exact directions and they were just a molten blob of oil, nothing resembling a cookie. They definitely didn’t look like the pictures you have posted. I was very sad lol I was really looking forward to them.

  35. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (43)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com September 1, 2012 @ 12:55 pm Reply


    Sorry to hear that they didn’t work :-( The batter kind of seems really oily before baking but once you bake it, it is the perfect consistency. I have tried to decrease the oil content, but then the cookies turn out to be more like a scone!!

    About your question. I always used old fashion oats. If you used the other kind I don’t know if that could have been the problem.

    I hate when some people don’t get the same results. I hate that they have to waste ingredients, and time. Maybe try to half the recipe for next time around but I do assure you this recipe is accurate bc I have made it tons of times. It is my to go chocolate chip cookie recipe :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  36. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (44)

    Mark and Sara October 2, 2012 @ 4:31 pm Reply

    I just made a half batch of these(made 25 medium). I slightly tweaked the recipe. I used 1/4 cup extra virgin olive, 1/4 cup rapeseed oil, 1/4 cup milk. I used all wholemeal flour because I had no wheatgerm. I used about 1/4 less soft brown sugar. 4Oz 50% cocoa choc chips(all I had). They turned out fab, very chocolatey,crisp and munchy, my 4 year old is just asking for a third one (she’ll have to wait until tomorrow :-))

  37. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (45)

    eatgood4life.blogspot.com October 2, 2012 @ 4:50 pm Reply

    Mark and Sarah,

    super cool, I am glad the cookies turn out good for you. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for visiting my blog :-)

  38. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (46)

    Helen December 23, 2012 @ 1:01 am Reply

    las hice y son muy deliciosas. gracias por publicar esta receta. mi hermanito las ama! Todas tus recetas se ven deliciosas. ;)

  39. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (47)

    Nancy Bachana February 5, 2013 @ 5:01 pm Reply

    My kids and I love these! Even sold them at a school fitness function where all our food was healthier and homemade. All gone!

    TIP: Never forget to use the parchment. They are too oily and spread too much. The paper keeps them nice and rounded.

  40. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (48)

    Nancy Bachana February 5, 2013 @ 5:01 pm Reply

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (49)

    Kristy January 13, 2014 @ 12:08 am Reply

    I just made some and the oil leaves way too much of the olive oil flavour. Feel sick just after one bite feel like I just drank a cup of oil- I wonder if there was another oil I could use.

    • Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (50)

      Miryam@eatgood4life January 13, 2014 @ 9:55 am Reply

      Use can use coconut oil if you like. I hope you like that better :-) otherwise you can also use butter!!

  42. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (51)

    Loreto February 23, 2014 @ 12:54 pm Reply

    Hi, just made this, pretty good. I think I will put less oil next time, since it makes the texture too crumbly.
    Great flavor! and it yields a lot!

  43. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (52)

    Ashley March 15, 2014 @ 11:21 pm Reply

    I made these cookies with a quarter cup less of olive oil and they still turned out greasy and crisp like chips. I don’t think you even need 1 cup of olive oil for this recipe.

    • Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (53)

      Miryam@eatgood4life March 16, 2014 @ 12:04 pm Reply

      Thanks so much for letting me know they turned out OK w/ your adjustments. Next time I will do the same and see how they came out so that I can change the recipe to add less oil. Thanks for stopping by.

  44. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (54)

    Indah July 2, 2014 @ 1:31 am Reply

    Hi Miryam,
    I would like to try baking these cookies from your recipe. But i wonder if i can find wheat germ in Indonesia. Can i switch it to something else?

    • Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (55)

      Miryam@eatgood4life July 2, 2014 @ 6:55 am Reply

      You can use oat bran or flax seed meal. If not just add more oats :-)

  45. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (56)

    Jee July 4, 2014 @ 11:48 pm Reply

    Hey Miryam
    I made these last night, they were great even though I over cooked them hahaa but everyone loved them


  46. Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (57)

    Alicia September 7, 2014 @ 2:39 am Reply

    I tried these today, using avocado oil instead of olive, and they turned out great! Thank you for the quick, easy recipe.

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Ultimate healthier oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (2024)
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